Lawrence County, Illinois |
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Surnames beginning with R to Z |
If you would like to include the Lawrence County surname you are researching, please send it to me and include "Lawrence County Surname List" in the Subject line.
It's helpful if you include the approximate dates that you know your ancestor was living in Lawrence County and your preferred email address so other researchers may contact you. And if you are on this list, please verify your email address and send me the current one if it's outdated.
Surname |
Dates in County |
Researcher |
Date Posted |
Rae/Rea | - | Gerald P. White II | 1/06 |
Rawlings | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Ranbarger | 1830-? | Mary Atwood | 1/06 |
Ray | 1850 - 1860 | Carole Palmer | 5/07 |
Richardville | 1700-1997 | Deborah Richardville Gentit | 5/97 |
Rodrick | 1860-1920 - |
Richard Palmer Gracie |
4/97 ?/? |
Roland | 1870 - | Marian M. Leck | 2/98 |
Ross | 1880 - | Dennis Bradley | 6/07 |
Ryan | 1820-present | Alan J. Denison | 6/06 |
Saums | 1871-present | Laura Armetta | 6/06 |
Shamley | 1870-1920's | Marcia Bennett | 1/06 |
Saxton | 1860 - 1910 | Celia Tomlin | 1/97 |
Shick | 1850 - present | Paul James | 10/07 |
Schlosser | 1878 - present | Ryan Hawk | 2/07 |
Schrodt | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Schroyers/Shroyers | - | Larry Melton | 11/06 |
Sechrest | - | Norm Sechrest | 4/08 |
Shank | - | Richard Clark | 11/06 |
Shepard | 1900-present | Laura Armetta | 6/06 |
Shirley | 1820-1870 | Laurel Treat My Family Pages |
5/06 |
Schultz | - | Gracie | 7/97 |
Shown | - | Kay | 1/06 |
Shreffler | 1840 - 1950+ | Norman Shreffler | 4/97 |
Seibert | 1870 - | Amy Thompson West | 4/97 |
Stewart | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Stoltz | - | Gary Stoltz | 3/06 |
Stone | 1850 - present | Howard Worstell | 7/97 |
Stubbs | - | Gerry Yates | 3/06 |
Summers | -
1880 - 1914 |
Lynn Burrett Cyndy Flaherty |
06/07 06/07 |
Sutherland | 1859 - ? | Kay Sutherland | 1/06 |
Swango | - | Peggy Zant | 5/97 |
Swift | 1825-1885 | Beverly Swift | 8/06 |
Tatom/Tatum | - | Ryan Hawk | 1/06 |
Thompson | - | Don Thompson | 5/97 |
Timms | 1810 - present | Terry Nolcox | 5/97 |
Tougas | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Travis | - | Anne Davee | 1/06 |
Umfleet | 1828 - 1900 | Tresa Herald | 6/97 |
Umsted | - | Kayoo | 4/98 |
Utterback | 1830 - present | Randy McConnell | 1/98 |
Valle | 1800 - 1900 | Michelle Valle | 2/06 |
Vanatta | - | Gary Stoltz | 3/06 |
Vandament | 1840 - 1920 | Diane Lehner | 3/97 |
Vanglider | 1860 - present | Diane Lehner | 3/97 |
VanDerMark | 1841 - 1997 | James VanDerMark | 3/97, 1/06 |
Vaught | - | Tommy Vaught | 7/06 |
Walker | 1800's | Deborah Richardville Gentit | 5/97 |
Wampler |
1838-1867 - - |
Nikki Bloch MaryAnne Chapman Norm Sechrest |
4/06 5/07 4/08 |
Warner | 1836 - 1860 - |
Mary K. Kozy Mary Kozy Genealogy Site Louise Lynch Wilber |
6/97 12/06 |
Watts | - | J Piccafe Mary Atwood |
4/97 1/06 |
Webber | 1865-1926 | Carlene Laws Morgan | 1/06 |
Weger | 1840-present | Dan Weger | 3/06 |
West | 1860-1880 | Susan B. Goens | 3/06 |
Westfall | 1820-1850 | Joy Tomseth Franklin | 7/06 |
White | 1848 - 1900 | Gerald P White II George M. Goldring |
01/06 1/98 |
Whitesite/Whiteside | - | Jim Cross | 7/06 |
Whitson | 1800's - present | Melissa Fuhrmann | 8/06 |
Wilber | 1840 - 1865 | S.D.Gopalan | 6/07 |
Wilson | 1848 - | Earlene George M. Goldring |
7/97 |
Wineman | -1880 | Wade Wineman | 3/06 |
Winship | 1840 - 188x | Susan Lynch | 4/06 |
Wirth | - | Ruth Montgomery | 3/97 |
Wise | - | Gracie | 7/97 |
Witter/Witters | - - - - |
Richard Witters Kay Anne Davee Phyllis Cantrell |
4/98 1/06 1/06 9/07 |
Wolfe | - | Mary Hardy | 1/06 |
Woodward | 1880 - present | Terry Nolcox | 5/97 |
Worstell | 1850 - present | Howard Worstell | 7/97 |
Wright | 1850s - 1920s | Earlene | 7/97 |
Xanders | - | Cathy Hokanson | 8/07 |
Yates | - | Gerry Yates | 3/06 |
Zollar | 1910 | Susan Day | 4/09 |
If you find a match with your own surnames please contact the researchers shown (by clicking on their names) and notify them. Multiple researchers can be registered for the same surname.
This page last updated Friday, 18-Mar-2022 17:44:50 EDT
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