Lawrence County, Illinois |
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Surnames beginning with A to H |
If you would like to include the Lawrence County surname you are researching, please send it to me and include "Lawrence County Surname List" in the Subject line.
It's helpful if you include the approximate dates that you know your ancestor was living in Lawrence County and your preferred email address so other researchers may contact you. And if you are on this list, please verify your email address and send me the current one if it's outdated.
Surname |
Dates in County |
Researcher |
Date Posted |
Abernathy | - | Ellyn Sutton | 4/07 |
Allison | - | Jim Cross | 7/06 |
Andre | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Andrews | 1900-present | Laura Armetta | 6/06 |
Angle | - | Gary Stoltz | 3/06 |
Armstrong | 1700's- present | Jeff Armstrong | 4/07 |
Atkins | 1860s | Clay Atkins | 12/13 |
Axton | 1930-2003 | Denise Baker | 10/06 |
Baker | - - 1930-2003 early 1800s-late 1900s |
Danlee Selman Anne Davee Denise Baker Anne Larsen |
4/98 1/06 10/06 1/15 |
Baldwin | 1880 - | Rosetta | 6/08 |
Barker | 1840 - present | Richard E. Parr | 7/97 |
Basden | 1820- | Linda Benson | 8/06 |
Bass | - | Judie | 1/07 |
Bedoll | 1880-1893 | Sandra Tapp | 2/06 |
Bell | - | Judie | 1/07 |
Belles |
- |
Laura Armetta |
1/06 6/08 |
Benedict |
1818-1850s |
Kevin Benedict | 2/16 |
Berry | - | Nancy Hesler | 10/07 |
Bird |
1870 - |
Marian M. Leck Kenneth L. Bird Ham Radio W0KLB |
2/98 7/07 |
Boyer | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Bradley | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Brookhart | - | Gary Stoltz | 3/06 |
Brothers | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Bullard | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Bunn | 1841 | Dick Madding | 4/97 |
Calvert | 1898 - present | Joanne Crawford Ikeda | 8/06 |
Cardinal | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Caudle | 1850- | Mary Sue (Caudle) Northcutt | 8/06 |
Chambers | - | Louise Lynch Wilber | 12/06 |
Chapman | - | George M. Goldring | 2/98 |
Childress | - | Verice E. Childress Richard Childress |
4/07 5/16 |
Christy | 1824 - 1910 | Laurel Treat My Family Pages |
1/06 |
Clark | - | Richard Clark | 11/06 |
Clubb | 1800's | Laurel Treat My Family Pages |
1/06 |
Coffman | - | Anne Davee | 1/06 |
Cole | 1790 - 1800 | Maurice Sanders | 1/07 |
Collins | 1833 - 1997 - |
James VanDerMark
Louise Lynch Wilber |
3/97, 1/06 12/06 |
Conley | - | Mary Atwood Tommy Vaught |
1/06 7/06 |
Conover | - | Richard Clark | 11/06 |
1870 - 1997 - |
James VanDerMark
Phyllis |
3/97, 1/06 9/07 |
Coombs | - | Mark Mecum | 10/07 |
Cooper | - 1820 - present |
Mark Mecum |
1/07 10/07 |
Cox | 1850 - present | Howard Worstell | 7/97 |
Crackel | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Crane | 1840-present | Alan J. Denison | 6/06 |
Crawford | 1870 - 1920 - - |
Richard E. Parr Joanne Crawford Ikeda Larry Melton |
9/97 8/06 11/06 |
Crews | 1830 - present | Mary K. Kozy Mary Kozy Genealogy Site |
5/06 |
Criswell | - | John Baz-Dresch | 4/06 |
Crouch | ?-1914 | Melissa J. Major | 4/06 |
Crosby | 1809-1845 | Sandra Rylander | 10/13 |
Cummins | - 1850 - present |
Joanne Crawford Ikeda |
7/97 01/07 |
Dailey | - | Don Mitchell | 6/06 |
Day | - - |
Kay Anne Davee |
1/06 1/06 |
DeLong | 1840 - present | Joanne Crawford Ikeda | 1/07 |
Denison/Dennison | 1818-1953 | Alan J. Denison | 6/06 |
Deslauriers | - | Starlene Johnson | 7/97 |
Dickerson | - | Tom Dickerson | 7/97 |
Donica | 1818 - 1883+ | Sheryl McNeely Shaw | 7/97 |
Dorsett | 1880-1893 | Sandra Tapp | 2/06 |
Doss | 1850 - present | Howard Worstell | 7/97 |
Drake | 1900-1920 | Marcia Capriotti | 8/06 |
Dubois | 1805 - 1825 | Linda Leebron | 9/97 |
Duke | 1836 - 1870 | Mary K. Kozy Mary Kozy Genealogy Site |
4/06 |
Dyer | 1800's | Deborah Richardville Gentit | 5/97 |
Eaton | - | Jean Shanelec | 4/98 |
Edwards | - | Becky | 7/97 |
Elston | 1850 | Tresa Herald | 5/07 |
England | 1820 - present | Althea England | 6/97 |
English | - | Darlene English Stirm | 3/06 |
Eshelman | - | Dick Madding | 10/97 |
Fail | 1820- | Molly Ford | 2/06 |
Farrar | - | Ruth Montgomery | 3/97 |
Fisher | 1844 - 1912 | Brandy | 03/08 |
Fite | - | Earlene | 7/97 |
Foss | 1857 - 1959 | Laura Armetta | 7/97 |
Fox |
1890 - 1997 - |
John J. Fox Gerry Yates |
7/97 3/06 |
Frehse | 1860's | Pat Ramsey Bogel | 7/97 |
Fyffe | 1811 | Richard Palmer Jean Shanelec |
4/97 |
Gaddy | 1864 - | Cathy Hokanson | 8/07 |
Gard / Guard | - | J M Guard | 7/97 |
Gartner | 1900-present | Laura Armetta | 6/06 |
Geiszler/Geisler | - | Gary R. Geisler | 8/06 |
Gillum | 1870-1920 | Barbara York Wright | 4/06 |
Gilmore/Gilemere | 1880 - | Rosetta | 6/08 |
Goff | - | Tommy Vaught | 7/06 |
Gognat | 1920-present | Laura Armetta | 6/06 |
Goldring | - | George M. Goldring | 2/98 |
Goodrich | - | Tim Tillyer | 3/98 |
Gould | 1838 | Dick Madding | 4/97 |
Gosnell | 1900 - 1960 early 1800s - late 1900s |
Jim Gosnell Anne Larsen |
03/07 1/15 |
Gray | 1820 - present | Mark Mecum | 10/07 |
Greemore | from the 1800s | Carrie Romine | 10/14 |
Greer | 1820-1845 | Alan J. Denison | 6/06 |
Halloway/Holloway | - | Peggy Zant | 5/97 |
Hardacre | 1830-1870 | Rebecca Ferrell | 7/08 |
Harlane | - | Gerald P. White II Elizabeth Price |
1/06 5/06 |
Harris | - | Debby H. McGreehan | 2/98 |
Hart | - | Marilynn | 1/06 |
Harvey |
1865 - present |
Joan Harvey
Dawn Daddario |
2/07 5/08 |
Hays/Hayes | 1859 - ? 1860-1880 1800's - present |
Helen Thomas Gary & Elizabeth Kent Melissa Fuhrmann |
1/06 1/06 8/06 |
Heath | - | Lois Brinks-Heath | 2/07 |
Hendrickson | - | George M. Goldring | 2/98 |
Herrin | 1850 - present | Joanne Crawford Ikeda | 8/06 |
Hicks | 1887 - 1902+ | Thomas | 4/97 |
Hipsher/Hipshire | 1864 - present | Dawn Daddario | 5/08 |
Hobbs | 1900 - present | Brenda Duckworth | 5/07 |
Houghtaling | 1900 - present | Terry Nolcox | 5/97 |
House | 1850 - | Nancy Perry | 2/07 |
If you find a match with your own surnames please contact the researchers shown (by clicking on their names) and notify them. Multiple researchers can be registered for the same surname.
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