NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: GA COUNTY: Monroe DIVISION: No. 60 REEL NO: M432-78 PAGE NO: 94 REFERENCE: 5th Day of November, 1850, John A. Alexander, Ass't Marshal ========================================================================================================================= LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB ========================================================================================================================= 1 703 703 Ravins Nancy 50 F G.A. REMARKS: Page 94 on microfilm 2 703 703 Ravins Richard T 22 M Farmer G.A. 3 703 703 Martainlan Wm. D. 22 M G.A. 4 703 703 Martainlan Mary E. 8 F G.A. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 5 703 703 Pope John C. 27 M Mechanic G.A. 6 704 704 Wells John 61 M Mechanic G.A. 7 704 704 Wells Lenoy 50 F G.A. 8 704 704 Wells Laura A. 16 F G.A. 9 704 704 Wells Martha A. 13 F G.A. 10 704 704 Davis Francis 8 F G.A. 11 704 704 Davis A. 4 F G.A. 12 705 705 Rogers Elizabeth 46 F 2,000 G.A. 13 705 705 Rogers John R. 21 M Farmer G.A. 14 705 705 Rogers William W. 20 M G.A. 15 705 705 Rogers Julia A. 15 F G.A. X 16 706 706 Ponder Daniel 50 M Farmer 12,466 G.A. 17 706 706 Ponder Elizabeth 39 F N.C. 18 706 706 Ponder Martha 16 F G.A. 19 706 706 Ponder Elizabeth L. 13 F G.A. 20 706 706 Ponder Nancy M 11 F G.A. 21 706 706 Ponder Daniel J. 8 M G.A. 22 706 706 Ponder John L. 5 M G.A. 23 706 706 Ponder Lynus M. 5 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "6" entered in Att School column 24 706 706 Ponder Safrona 3 F G.A. 25 706 706 Ponder Lavania 3 F G.A. 26 706 706 Ponder William P. 1 M G.A. 27 707 707 Ponder Amos 64 M Farmer 9,000 G.A. 28 707 707 Ponder Nancy M. 50 F G.A. 29 707 707 Ponder Louis A. 21 M Farmer G.A. 30 708 708 Ponder James W. H. 24 M Farmer 3,000 G.A. 31 709 709 Buckner Pa**am 33 M Farmer 300 G.A. 32 709 709 Buckner Eliza 33 F G.A. 33 709 709 Buckner Emily 10 F G.A. 34 709 709 Buckner Elizabeth 8 F G.A. 35 709 709 Buckner Mary 3 F G.A. 36 709 709 Hearon Wily 36 M Farmer G.A. 37 710 710 Slaughter Susan 67 F G.A. 38 710 710 Slaughter William M. 38 M Farmer 6,400 g.A. 39 711 711 Turner John B. 51 M Farmer N.C. 40 711 711 Turner Louisa 44 F G.A. 41 711 711 Turner Jeptha 21 M Farmer G.A. 42 712 712 Prichard Wily 43 M Farmer 570 G.A.