NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: GA COUNTY: Monroe DIVISION: No. 60 REEL NO: M432-78 PAGE NO: 81 REFERENCE: 24th Day of October, 1850, John A. Alexander, Ass't Marshal ========================================================================================================================= LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB ========================================================================================================================= 1 596 596 Perkins Albert J. 7 M G.A. REMARKS: Page 81 on microfilm 2 *** *** Fletcher James 36 M Farmer 2,000 G.A. 3 *** *** Fletcher Julia A. 27 F G.A. 4 *** *** Fletcher Eugini* 6 M G.A. 5 *** *** Thompson William 37 M Farmer 600 N.C. 6 *** *** Thompson Simon 23 M G.A. 7 *** *** Thompson Sarah 21 F G.A. 8 *** *** Thompson Oline 20 F G.A. 9 *** *** Thompson James 18 M G.A. 10 *** *** Thompson Lucy C. 16 F G.A. 11 *** *** Thompson Rebecca 14 F G.A. 12 *** *** Caliway Edward 68 M Farmer 8,000 N.C. 13 *** *** Caliway Elizabeth 68 F V.A. 14 *** *** Whight William 46 M Overseer G.A. 15 *** *** White Mary 45 F G.A. 16 *** *** White Elise 16 M G.A. 17 *** *** White Josiah 13 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 18 *** *** White Mathew 11 M G.A. 19 *** *** White John 8 M G.A. 20 *** *** White Mary 6 F G.A. 21 *** *** White Alcan 3 F G.A. 22 *** *** White Sarah 2 F G.A. 23 601 601 Green John 40 M Mechanic 800 G.A. 24 601 601 Green Julia 30 F G.A. 25 601 601 Green Mary 10 F G.A. 26 601 601 Green George 8 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 27 601 601 Green Joseph 6 M G.A. 28 601 601 Green Jane 4 F G.A. 29 601 601 Green John, Jr. 3 M G.A. 30 601 601 Green Ann 8/12 F G.A. 31 602 602 Bill William 38 M Mill Write 1,000 G.A. 32 602 602 Bill Eliza 31 F G.A. 33 602 602 Bill James M. 11 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 34 602 602 Bill John W. 8 M G.A. 35 602 602 Bill William R. 6 M G.A. 36 602 602 Bill Columbus 3 M G.A. 37 602 602 Bill Eugene 1 F G.A. 38 603 603 Hanson Francis 33 M Overseer 300 G.A. 39 603 603 Hanson Elizabeth 26 F G.A. 40 603 603 Hanson S. A. 12 F G.A. 41 603 603 Hanson Andrew 7 M G.A. 42 603 603 Hanson Daniel 3 M G.A.