NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: GA COUNTY: Monroe DIVISION: No. 60 REEL NO: M432-78 PAGE NO: 53 REFERENCE: First day of Ocober, 1850, John A. Alexander, Asst. Marshall ========================================================================================================================= LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB ========================================================================================================================= 1 394 394 Elliot Hessi 6 F G.A. REMARKS: Page 53 on microfilm 2 394 394 Elliot Habesham 3 M G.A. 3 394 394 Elliot Sarah 1 F G.A. 4 394 394 Buck Martha M. 28 F G.A. 5 394 394 Sasnowaske Sophia 40 F Newark 6 394 394 Sasnowaske Sophie 46 F Germany 7 394 394 Sasnowaske Caroline 15 F Germany 8 394 394 Hale Sarah J. 24 F Newark 9 394 394 Percy Sarah B. 22 F Newark 10 394 394 Wray Emma S. 24 F G.A. 11 394 394 Wills Dasah 28 F England 12 394 394 Spenser Louisa 21 F Newark 13 394 394 Hessant Sophia 25 F France 14 394 394 Dodd Margaret 25 F Newark 15 394 394 Adkins Elizabeth 25 F England 16 394 394 Cinnisey Anna 14 F S.C. 17 394 394 Abbott Susan 16 F G.A. 18 394 394 Murray Mary 16 F S.C. 19 394 394 Murray Elizabeth 14 F S.C. 20 394 394 Murray Lymar 16 F G. A. 21 394 394 Coop Elizabeth 15 F G.A. 22 394 394 Baily Mary 15 F G.A. 23 394 394 Jennings American 16 F G.A. 24 394 394 Barton Sarah 12 F G.A. 25 394 394 Barton Julian 15 F G.A. 26 394 394 Gatlin Lousia 15 F N.C. 27 394 394 Lucas Lydia 18 F S.C. 28 394 394 Lucas Mary 16 F S.C. 29 394 394 Watson Mary 12 F Newark 30 394 394 Fantisni Mary 14 F G.A. 31 394 394 Olmstead Sarah 14 F G.A. 32 394 394 Pandgrass Margaret 12 F G.A. 33 394 394 Bau* Agnes 18 F S.C. 34 394 394 Bullock Mariah 16 F G.A. 35 394 394 Welb Louisa 14 F G.A. 36 394 394 Lewis Anna 16 F G.A. 37 394 394 Sass Elizabeth 14 F G.A. 38 394 394 Jones Cornelia 16 F G.A. 39 394 394 Heyman Anna 16 F S.C. 40 394 394 Heyman Mary 15 F S.C. 41 394 394 Baker Mary Ann 14 F G.A. 42 394 394 Monroe Blanch 14 F G.A.