NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: GA COUNTY: Monroe DIVISION: No. 60 REEL NO: M432-78 PAGE NO: 13b REFERENCE: seventeenth day of Aug. 1850; John A. Alexander, Asst. Mars. ========================================================================================================================= LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB ========================================================================================================================= 1 173 173 Castlin Catherine M 12 F V.A. REMARKS: Page 26 on microfilm 2 173 173 Castlin Caroline V 10 F V.A. X REMARKS: Number "3" entered in Att School column 3 173 173 Castlin Bradford G 7 M V.A. 4 173 173 Castlin Marcellus 2 M V.A. 5 174 174 Persons Jerimiah 46 M Farmer 1,500 G.A. 6 174 174 Persons Keturah 45 F G.A. 7 174 174 Persons James J 22 M G.A. 8 174 174 Persons Susan 19 F G.A. 9 174 174 Persons Nancy 17 F G.A. 10 174 174 Persons Elizabeth 14 F G.A. 11 174 174 Persons Sarah J 9 F G.A. X REMARKS: Number "3" entered in Att School column 12 174 174 Persons Jeremiah 11 M G.A. 13 174 174 Persons Keturah, Jr 6 F G.A. 14 174 174 Persons John 4 M G.A. 15 175 175 Sullivan Spencer 55 M Farmer 7,500 N.C. 16 175 175 Sulliven Sarah 51 F N.C. 17 175 175 Sullivan Stephen 24 M N.C. 18 175 175 Sullivan Wm 23 M N.C. 19 175 175 Sullivan Zachariah 22 M N.C. 20 175 175 Sullivan George 17 M G.A. X 21 175 175 Sullivan Nancy E 18 F G.A. 22 176 176 Fisher H H 40 M Overseer 300 N.C. 23 176 176 Fisher Louisa 30 F N.C. 24 176 176 Fisher Wm 8 M N.C. 25 176 176 Fisher Henry C. 7 M N.C. 26 176 176 Fisher Margaret 12 F N.C. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 27 176 176 Fisher Martha 1 F N.C. 28 177 177 Hugly Zachariah 54 M Farmer 7,800 V.A. REMARKS: Birthplace could possibly be "PA" 29 177 177 Hugly Mary 35 F G.A. 30 177 177 Hugly Catharine 18 F G.A. 31 177 177 Hugly Zachariah, Jr 16 M G.A. 32 177 177 Hugly Elizabeth A 14 F G.A. 33 177 177 Hugly Susanna 10 F G.A. 34 177 177 Hugly Thomas J 8 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "2" entered in Att School column 35 177 177 Hugly Martha A 6 F G.A. 36 177 177 Hugly Mary A 4 F G.A. 37 178 178 Gregry Susanna 49 F Farming Geor 38 178 178 Gregry Frances 21 F Geor 39 178 178 Gregry Henry 19 M Geor 40 179 179 Askin Wm 54 M Farmer 2,025 V.A. 41 179 179 Askin Permelia 50 F Geor 42 179 179 Askin Franklin 20 M Geor