NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.
The USGenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.CENSUS YR: 1850 STATE or TERRITORY: GA COUNTY: Monroe DIVISION: No. 60 REEL NO: M432-78 PAGE NO: 11a REFERENCE: Top of page is blank ========================================================================================================================= LN HN FN LAST NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX RACE OCCUP. VAL. BIRTHPLACE MRD. SCH. R/W DDB ========================================================================================================================= 1 137 137 Allen Cornelus M 2 M G.A. REMARKS: Page 21 on microfilm 2 137 137 Allen Philly C 3/12 F G.A. 3 137 137 Allen Alexander 30 M G.A. 4 137 137 Willis Ellena 64 F G.A. 5 138 138 McDonald Donald 46 M Teacher 800 G.A. 6 138 138 McDonald Mary M. 44 F G.A. 7 138 138 McDonald Margaret C. 17 F G.A. 8 138 138 McDonald Flora C 16 F G.A. 9 138 138 McDonald John A 14 M G.A. 10 138 138 McDonald Nancy A 12 F G.A. X REMARKS: Number "3" entered in Att School column 11 138 138 McDonald Robert B 10 M G.A. 12 138 138 McDonald William W 8 M G.A. 13 138 138 McDonald Heten M 6 F G.A. 14 138 138 McDonald Charles J 4 M G.A. 15 139 139 Wood Allen 61 M Farmer 2,500 N.C. 16 139 139 Wood Rebecca 52 F N.C. 17 139 139 Wood Allen C 17 M N.C. 18 139 139 Wood Marian 12 M N.C. 19 139 139 Wood Rebecca, Jr. 13 F N.C. X REMARKS: Number "4" entered in Att School column 20 139 139 Wood Eliza 15 F N.C. 21 140 140 Burnett Martin C 35 M Farmer 3,000 S.C. 22 140 140 Burnett Ann B 23 F S.C. 23 140 140 Burnett William T 4 M S.C. 24 140 140 Burnett Sarah E 2 F S.C. 25 140 140 Burnett James T 14 M S C X 26 140 140 Burnett John A 11 M S.C. X 27 141 141 Wilson Rebecca 74 F 50 N.C. 28 141 141 Helton Matilde 20 F N.C. 29 142 142 Parker John 77 M Farmer 5,000 N.C. 30 142 142 Noris Thomas S 16 M N.C. 31 143 143 Dennis Simion 50 F Farmer 5,000 G.A. 32 143 143 Dennis Joseph A 23 M Farmer G.A. 33 143 143 Dennis Sarah 50 F G.A. 34 143 143 Dennis Phillip H 20 M Farmer G.A. 35 143 143 Dennis Marthe 18 F G.A. 36 143 143 Dennis Elizabeth 16 F G.A. 37 143 143 Dennis Amanda 14 F G.A. 38 143 143 Dennis John 12 M G.A. 39 143 143 Dennis Francis 10 F G.A. 40 143 143 Dennis Dudley 8 M G.A. X REMARKS: Number "3" entered in Att School column 41 144 144 Buzzly Inmon 30 M Farmer 900 S.C. 42 144 144 Buzzly Pnelope 33 F G.A.