Anniversary notice of Henry and Jane (HOWARD) KIRBY, published in
The Robinson Constitution, 21 Aug 1889
Henry and Jane Kirby of Licking township celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of their marriage on Monday, August 12, 1889.
There were over a hundred persons, who gathered at the old home of the aged
and pioneer couple, on this, their fiftieth wedding anniversary to condole, sympathize and enjoy this
eventful day with them. Among whom were children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, brother,
sister, old neighbors and friends. George Henry Kirby was born in Sullivan county, Indiana, April 17, 1818.
Louisa Jane Kirby nee Howard, was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, July 28, 1829. They were married at
John Howard's the home of Mrs. K., and moved to where they now live and have, for the past half century.
The merry making and feasting lasted till four o'clock and then the leave taking
began, mingled with tears, hand shakings and sad farewells until all had gone.
This page last updated on March 18, 2022.